The microcomputer lab
The microcomputer lab is on the 1st floor of the Newton Building.
There are 15 or so PCs running Windows ME with Cygwin installed on
them. After logging in (using your ugrad username and password),
double-click the X11 icon to start an X session. An xterm window will
appear, and you can then type "ugrad" to login to the ugrad computer.
You can also use the Xterminals on the 1st floor of the Old Main
Building, outside the second year lab.
The microcomputer lab is available for open access during normal
office hours most of the time. There is a timetable on the door
giving details. Anthony Frith is available for consultation and
assistance with programming from 2 PM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Working in the microcomputer lab
- Turn on the computer.
- Log in using your ugrad username and password.
- Doubleclick on the "X11" icon.
- Enter your ugrad username at the "Ugrad Login" and enter your password when
prompted - all commands entered from now should be done in the window
labelled "Remote".
- Enter "emacs test.c &".
- Type your program into the editor that appears, then choose "Save Buffer"
from the "File" menu.
- To compile your program enter "gcc test.c".
- To run your program enter "./a.out".
- Please turn off the computer when you are finished.
- You can recall previous commands by using the up and down arrow
keys, to save you typing "gcc test.c" and "./a.out" over and over as you
work on your program.
- Don't forget the "&" in "emacs test.c &" - it lets you work in the
editor and in the "remote" screen at the same time.