Dial 385 5620 and type the following
<CR><CR> ! a couple of carriage-returns csd3> cwn ! stands for campus-wide network <CR><CR><CR><CR> ! some more carriage-returns cwn> rlogin -l username ! insert your username password:Instead of the number you can type newt.phys.unsw.edu.au. When you logout, you remain connected to ``cwn'' and you may then connect to another machine.
You will need special privileges on CSDVAX to be able to do this.
CSDVAX$ telnet newt.phys.unsw.edu.au %TELNET-I-TRYING, Trying to connect to NEWT.PHYS.UNSW.EDU.AU %TELNET-S-OPEN, Connection Opened to NEWT.PHYS.UNSW.EDU.AU ULTRIX V4.0 (Rev. 179) (newt.phys.unsw.edu.au) login: mcba Password: Last login: Fri Nov 16 09:00:31 on :0 newt>
rlogin newt.phys.unsw.edu.au -l username
Follow the instructions given under the section on dialing in using a modem, except omit dialing the number. Note: don't login to newt via another machine if you have LACE access, you will find the direct LACE connection is faster.
This is a function of the particular ethernet card and software that you have purchased. In general, use telnet to login. If you are using Beame & Whiteside ftp, then type bw220.
Type control-D, that is, hold down the control key, and press the ``d'' key at the same time. You can also simply type logout (it is possible to disable the effect of control-D if you don't like having a control character that logs you out, see man csh for details). Sometimes when you do this you will get the message `` you have stopped jobs''. This means that you have jobs in the background (put there by using ``&'' or by typing control-Z) which have halted for some reason (usually waiting for terminal input). You can ignore this warning and type control-D again, which will log you out and delete the stopped jobs. Otherwise, use the jobs command to find out what the jobs are, and use %n to reconnect to any which you want to continue. Note that deleting a stopped editing job may result in losing any files that you have not saved.
telnet csdvax.csd.unsw.edu.au
rlogin cfdhp1.cances.unsw.edu.au -l username
Note: if you wish to have an 8-bit data path (essential for running some programs, such as kermit), use the -8 switch on the rlogin command.
Thankfully, the IBM 3090 was switched off in early 1994, saving the University over a million dollars a year. The money saved has disappeared.
Some example follow
rlogin cray.harvard.edu -l crayuser rlogin madras.anu.oz.au -l mike