Joe Wolfe: a list of educational and outreach pages

(This page is for general physics teaching and outreach. My physics research is described in my scientific publications. I have popular accounts of my research in these areas: the acoustics of musical instruments, the acoustics of the voice and cellular cryobiology. I am also a composer. Here's a link to some of my music for orchestra or for chamber music ensembles.)

Bed of nails

Introductory physics

Pages on sound, hearing, speech and music

Pages related to learning and teaching in general


Material for high school physics students and teachers.

Material for primary school physics students and teachers.

National and international awards for university and web teaching

UNSW awards

Joe Wolfe /, phone 61- 2-9385 4954 (UT + 10, +11 Oct-Mar).

School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

 Joe's scientific home page

Pic of the author and a student helper