Musical Acoustics Group School of Physics, UNSW
Your email address
Have you given us data previously? yes no
Brief resume of flute experience (only fill this in once) i.e. level of formal studies and experience with professional or high level amateur playing
Why is it problematic / interesting / useful? (e.g. is it out of tune, of different timbre, unstable, or a useful microtone or multiphonic or fast alternative fingering?)
Is it different on different models of flute? yes no If you answered yes, tell us about these differences in the above box.
Standard fingering Is the fingering EXACTLY the same as one that we have measured? (i.e. the fingering diagram in our flute response graph) standard fingering other fingering
Your fingering If the fingering is not the same as ours (however small the difference), please use the mouse to create a fingering chart by clicking on the click boxes below. If the note requires a ring only, or part covering of a finger hole, please type 'ring', or the fraction covered (1/4, 1/2 etc) next to the ring, otherwise leave that box blank.
1 Th Th 2 fraction covered? 3 fraction covered? G# 1 fraction covered? 2 fraction covered? 3 fraction covered? D# C# C B gizmo
C foot B foot split E no split E open closed holes
city of origin (if unusual make of flute)
Anything else about your flute behaviour that you think that we ought to know: